I want to thank Brian Teller alumni of Class of 2000, for all our alumni for allowing us to put the Alumni site on his server and would solicit all who know Brian to thank him likewise.  Curt Webber Webmaster.






    Due to the numerous bogus spam submission of forms I am receiving, I will no longer respond to any of my forms on the Alumni site.  Instead you should send me a email requesting authority to submit a form at curwebber@aol.com and we will proceed from there.

Class of 1960 class reunion 2012
Class of 1962 photo of those attending 2013 Class Reunion

Class of 1960 class reunion 2013
Third annual Sensational Sixties Reunion of Brunswick High School will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2013, at the Brunswick Eagles Club. Ticket price is $20.00 per person. Reservations MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 30, 2013 (NO EXCEPTIONS). If you did not receive a letter from your class representative or if you have questions about the reunion, please contact Sharon Carey at 301-834-9264.


For those that do not visit
Veterans Information
That ragged old flag

Film of
Japanese surrender WW2

2006 grad returns home from Afghanistan


Where Alumni keep in touch
News of interest

 Quick E-Mail Addresses

List of Greatest Generation Survivors
Add one person to the list of The Greatest Generation Survivors

Add two or more to list of The Greatest Generation Survivors List

Alumni card to pass out

Senior Moments
All Alumni
Total Alumni
Class list with class photo

List of classes
 You can download to your computer

Hopefully class secretaries will use this as a tool to keep their records of their class current and provide me with the same information so I can maintain a current file

Classes of 20s Classes of 30s
Classes of 40s Classes of  50s Classes of 60s
Classes of 70s Classes of 80s Classes of 90s
Classes of 2000 to 2009

I will add others as time permits
and keep records current as information is received. 
Hopefully class secretaries and others will send in information so this can be a source for all current class records

I solicit your feedback concerning any changes you
may suggest to make information better for vewing etc
Send feedback to

Will add others as class secretaries and other alumni furnish information
If anyone can add missing deceased to this list or any other classes please contact webmaster at curwebber@aol.com

New Surveys
All known obituaries since Aug 2002

If anyone has a photo of a deceased and would like to have it put on the Obit list send it to me at
curwebber@aol.com and I will crop and enhance it
Recent Deceased
Where Are They Now
Railroad photos
Business 40s 50's

Wedding Anniverary


Birth Photos  Wedding Photos

Surveys this year 15
52 in 2011
75 in 2010

123 in  2009 

328 in 2008 -
216 in 2007 -
 240 in 2006 -
255 in 2005 and  over 300 in 2004


Access to all forms on the site
Be sure to show complete mailing address (Street, PO Box, City, State and ZIP) on all forms submitted that ask for same. I have been receiving several that do not show this information and others with invalid Email addresses.

Marine stuns crowd with fourth verse of Star Spangle Banner

Finally forms are working on the site
I am ready let me hear from you

Need sponsor
For engraved brick for alumni that gave their life for our country

Tell your friends about this site
If you didn't know, this is the only way alumni find out about the site.

For car buffs  
More cars
Additional cars
1937 Bugatti Atalante Coupe sell for $4.4 millions
More cars 1
789 Chevy

Alma Mater
By Tony Cincotta Class 1926
Railroaders that became railroaders
I need more responses from those of all crafts clerks - trainservice - carmen - shops - track - operators - police dept
Check area Local News daily with link at the bottom of this page

This is the best presentations of the sixties that I have ever seen online. It is very well done. Just click on the link and sit back and enjoy the memories.  Great photos and facts.  
It has a 'pause' button, for those of us that can't keep up...click on The Sixties below.
60's sixties
Spoiled under 30's
Tough love vs Spankings
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!!

Alumni with new email address

Fred Brown Class 1944 fjbmfb86@yahoo.com


This site, The Original Alumni Site since 1998,  has no connection with the site listed as BHS Alumni on the Brunswick High School site.

Various High School buildings since 1911

1911-1927  1927-1967  1967-present

Thanks for visiting
Brunswick High School  Brunswick MD
Alumni site

The class of 1941 was first to use ca
ps and gowns

Visit my
Girls bragging corner
Yours could be here likewise

This is what I would like added to or removed from the alumni site.

Submit your forms
Submit your questions or information for any alumni or vet to me at curwebber@aol.com

This is your old geezer webmaster in Ohio.  So be kind

This website is dedicated to all remaining Old Geezers
Older than dirt

Crabby Old Man

Play your favorite songs
   Beginning        Later             Now      

Yes you will get there

Alumni web site Sponsors
To reduce the expense of mailing I will give my acknowledgement here on the site
and offer OUR THANKS

Class Name Class Name
1952 Emerson Pearrell 1941 Curt Webber
1954 Clair McIntosh (Ebersole) 1956 Eddie Wheeler
1968 Sharon Weddle (Carey) 1974 Rhonda Lynn Rooney


James (Stuffy) W. Rooney Jr 1968 Raymond (Pat) L Rooney
1980 Kathy Bondarenka (Cusack)    

A very generous, supportive group of alumni
Worthy of all alumni recognition
Sponsor can mail donations

Visit Archives  
For former items moved from this page December 1, 2006 

Keep sending in those surveys. so this old geezer will be kept busy

Life style 100 years ago

Those good ole days

Things Oldgeezers Remember 
Old Geezers cars
Hooray for the Senior Generation
Where I Lived While Attending High School

    Where did they get those nicknames?  
New names added 1/1/2010 by Judge William Wenner

Old Geezers remember
The Hawaiian Night Club             Whistle Stop
Potomac View                           Salty Dog
Big Bands     -     Patsy Kline
& Jimmy Dean  at the Fire Hall

 For others see attached

Add yours


A 2008 Christmas greetings from one of your alumni Theresa Hil
l Class 1979 in foreign service.  Check back for updates

Some photos taken during the depression years in 30's / 40's
In the 50's  

   This is beautiful   

Reunion News General
Photos Class 1962 35th year Reunion


Reunions 2013

Nifty 50's 2013 reunion

Sizzling 70's Reunion
Classes 1970 - 1979
Oct. 12, 2013
Next meeting

Sept. 12, 2012 at the Green Country Inn. Have questions

Shelley Hebb  shelleyhebb1@hotmail.com


Thats my Mom by my son Stanley

Dedicated to her Mother by my daughter Fayetta

Reunions 2010

Class 1980 reunion class photo
Class 1956 reunion class photo

Class of 2006 planning Reunion

Class of 2006 is currently planning their 5 year reunion.
 Their Website is
for further information contact 

Reunions 2012


Send me your class reunion photo and I will post it.

Fab 40's reunion
Some attending Fab 40's 2007 reunion
Classes of 40's photos

Alumni deceased since 2006
Classes 1920 1930's
Fab 40's
deceased since 2006 reunion
Nifty 50's deceased since 2006
Classes 60's  Classes 70's  Classes 80's
Classes 90's  Classes 2000

Classes of 40's living and deceased

Status of classes of 40's

The link below is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam war with the names, bio's and other information on our lost heroes. Those who remember that timeframe, or perhaps lost friends or family can look them up on this site  http://www.virtualwall.org/iStates.htm

Recent Deceased Smoketowners prior to 2013
Recent Deceased Smoketown since Dec 2012

Veterans information has been moved
Click here
Veterans Information

Some Veterans photos

Military Funeral Honors

Purchase granite marker for Veterans Memorial Site

Monument Committee Meeting Minutes

Can not forget The walk up that High School hill

This project needs more of our support

Won't you please join those below and add your engraved brick

  HS Football Stadium Entrance 

Lets get into the spirit

New contact list for classes
Sign up now

Check back for new contacts added

 Class Photos
Photos from 1911 to 2006 now on the site. 
Thanks to Jackie Ebersoles I now have photos for classes 2001 to 2006
It is my understanding that the last year class photos were taken was 2006

(HM) an honorary member. 
Former students that did not graduate from BHS for various reasons, but would like to have their information listed separately, showing class they would have graduated with.  Form is available under Access to all forms below. http://www.alumnibhs.com/forms.htm
It behoves the class secretaries to inform these former classmates when there is a scheduled reunion so you can continue your school years friendship, they yearn to meet with you

HM  classmate entries since August 2005

ACLU says no crosses on Federal Property

Activity this month

Shelley McLane Class 1992 deceased

Historical information about many prominent citizens and
 BHS Alumni from 1911 Yearbook
By Fred Brown former Principal     


Keep passing the word

Links of interest
Brunswick High School  Brunswick Museum   Brunswick History
Check your Local News daily
Frederick News Post  Hagerstown Hearld Mail  Gazette

40600 Visitors since December 2002

counter 2  Since 3/1/2008

Class 1980 reunion 2010


Class 1956 Class Reunion 9/11/2010
This is what you get when you send a quality photo

                       The Nifty Fifties      

2012 Class Reunion




Nifty Fifty's Reunion is to be held September 8, 2012 at the new Brunswick Volunteer Fire Co. on Volunteer Dr.

 Social hour will be from 5:00-6:30 P.M.,

Dinner consisting of fried chicken, ham, scalloped potatoes, green lima beans, slaw, rolls and butter, tea or coffee and sheet cake will be from 6:30-7:30 P.M.

The program honoring Dr. Frederick J. Brown will be from 7:30-8:30 P.M. 

Dancing by the DJ, Music Madness (Mike Veilleux), will be from 8:30-11:30 P.M

Pat Greenfield

Classes of The 50's 2012 Class Reunion
Brunswick High School
For addtional information contact Pat Greenfield at


Class of 1960 class reunion August 2012

C lass 1960 class reunion 2012

                               MARK YOUR CALENDARS                     

Sharon Weddle Carey sharon4410@comcast.net                                       
Class of 1968
Brunswick High School

The 1960-1960 graduates/attendees of Brunswick High School held their second annual Sensational 60's Reunion on June 16, 2012, at the new Brunswick Fire Hall on Volunteer Drive.

"Sensational Sixties" Reunion of Brunswick High School graduates/students of 1960-1969. held there First reunion  June 11, 2011, at the Brunswick Eagles Club. 

Class of 1962 photo of class reunion 2013
Scroll down

                       The Nifty Fifties      

2013 Class Reunion




Nifty Fifty's Reunion is to be held September 7, 2013 at the Brunswick Fire Hall

The social will begin at 5-6:30 pm with Liz Ruffner entertaining the last half hour.

Dinner is from 6:30-7:30, the class program is from 7:30-8:30 by class of '53 and dancing by Mark Ramsburg is from 8:30-11:30 pm.

The meal will be fried chicken and roast beef, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw, cake and coffee, ice tea, and lemondade

The class of '53 will be honoring Mrs. Evelyn Sullivan Orndorff who taught us music


Pat Greenfield

Classes of The 50's 2012 Class Reunion
Brunswick High School
For addtional information contact Pat Greenfield at