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Alumni Announcements


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Class 2008 Michelle Embrey (Jenkins) and Joe Jenkins a girl Shyann Marie Jenkins born December 5, 2010 at Winchester Medical Center VA

Class 2004 Chela Garvin and Matthew Baldwin a boy Gabriel Jesse born 11/26/2010 at Winston Salem, NC

Class 1999 Jillian Edmiston and Michael Misier a girl Mandolin Grace Mosier born 9/19/2007 at Howard County General Hospital

Class 1995 Keli Ann Savage and Matt Welsh a boy Gatlin Levi born 1/28/2009 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1998 Jenifer Fino and Eddie Staccone a boy Anthony Edward-Ralph Fino born 12/15/2010 at St Mary's Hospital in Langhorne, PA

Class 2010 Jennifer Whitt and Barry Chafin a girl Mackenzie Allana Chaflin born 10/7/210 in Williamson, WV

Class 2010 Jennifer Whitt and Barry Chafin a girl Madison Faith Chaflin born 11/24/2009 in Williamson, WV

Class 1997 Robyn Amoss and Mathews Lucas a girl Madison Rylie Lucas born 2/15/2006 in Charlotte, NC

Class 2006 Kristal Baker and Samuel Leferer a boy Shayne Anthony born 10/31/2008 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 2006 Jessica Davis and Steven McLaughlin a girl Catherine Marie McLaughlin born 2/3/2008 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1996 Teresa Fitzgerad (Mohler) and Chris Mohler a girl Sarah Jean Mohler  born 10/8/2009 at Washington County Hospital

Class 1996 Shirl Wolfe (Wilson) and Richard Wilson Jr. a girl Kaylee Marie born 4/30/2007 at Frederick Memorial Hospital 
Class 1996 Shirl Wolfe (Wilson) and Richard Wilson Jr. a girl Abigail Grace born 4/25/2009 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1987 Jackie Pendleton HM (Holen) and Nathan Holen a boy Jake Christian born 1/5/2003 at Betsy Johnson Regional Hospital in Dunn, NC
Class 1987 Jackie Pendleton HM (Holen) and Nathan Holen a boy Brady Ryan born 11/17/2004 at Betsy Johnson Regional Hospital in Dunn, NC

Class 1993 Heather Minnick (Reinhart) and Matthew Reinhart a girl Madelyn Safe born 2/3/2008 at Reston Hospital Center, Reston, VA

Class 1997 Julie Lockhard (Prevratil) and Sam Prevratil a girl Naia Soleil born 10/12/2008 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1996 Angela Lakin and Thomas Lakin a boy Ryan Thomas born 12/6/2008 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1990 Katie Runkles and Chad Perine a boy Corey Wayne born 8/13/2008 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1995 Kelli Savage and Matt Welsh a girl Andie Grace born 2/16/2007 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1995 Kelli Savage and Matt Welsh a boy Kendall Ashby born 1/26/2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital
Class 1995 Kelli Savage and Matt Welsh a boy Breckin Mathew born 6/21/2005 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1996 Abby Fawley (Riggleman) and Ricky Riggleman a boy Lane Edward Riggleman born 1/10/2008 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1996 Dana Marselas and Hurley a girl Emma Braelyn born 11/21/2007 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1989 Erica S Maniez and Jon  Miner a boy Conrad Jerome born 11/11/2007 in Seattle, WA

Class 2003 Cassandra (Cassie) Gaston a girl Aubri Elizabeth Gaston-Dykes born 4/26/2007 at Carroll Hospital Center, Westminster, MD

Class 1999 Shannoon Custer and Dough Cook a son Logan Presley Cook born 9/21/2006 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1998 Kendra Henderson a girl Samara Pamela Josephine Campbell born 8/29/2007 at Washington County Hospital

Class 2002 Margaret Dasch and Nathaniel Peterson a boy Nathaniel Drew Peterson II born 6/18/2003 at Frederick Memorial Hospital.

Class 1993 Tracy Care and Fred Cubberly a girl Kiana Nicole born 3/22/2000 at Frederick Memorial
a girl Karigan June born 3/7/2003 at Frederick Memorial
a girl Addison Sage born 7/1/2006 at York Hospital

Class 1990 Katie Runkles and Chad Perine a boy Colton Frederic born 8/18/2005 at Frederick, MD

Class 1996 Dana Marselas (Hurley)  a boy born 5/31/1999 at Frederick Memorial Hospital and a girl born 5/27/2002 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1994 Rebecca Haugh and Jerry Whitmore twin girls Hannah and Skyler born 6/18/1996 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1990 Christine Easton and William Blackwood a boy Ryan born 11/5/2000 at Frederick, MD

Class 1978 Hilda Evelyn Young and Tony Donovan twin girls Camille and Gabrielle born 1/1/2006 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1992 Rachel Annie Harpel and William Smith a girl Julia Noelle Smith born 1172007 a Pottstown Memorial Medical Center, Pottstown, PA

Class 1998 Jacki Lynn Weddle and Michael Hinkel a boy Noal Patrick born 3/19/2007

Class 1993 Heather Minnick and Mathew Reinhart a girl Bella Rose born 7/17/2005 at Reston Hospital Center, Reston VA
Class 1993 Heather Minnick and Mathew Reinhart a girl Sophie Grace born 10/26/2001 Reston Hospital Reston, VA
Class 1993 Heather Minnick and Mathew Reinhart a girl Caroline Olivia born 11/22/1999 at Loudoun Hospital, Leesburg, VA

Class 1993 Ruth Morris and John Minor a girl Khrystina Olivea born 6/21/2000 at Frederick Memorial Hospital
Class 1993 Ruth Morris and John Minor a girl Dejah Skyy born 11/6/2002 at Holly Cross Hospital, Silver Springs MD

Class 1993 Ruth Morris and John Minor a boy John Christopher Jr. born 3/14/2004 at Holy Cross Hospital Silver Springs MD

Class 1994 Lesley  Lucas (Quesada) a boy Bernard V born 2/16/2007

Class 1997 Jamie Barnett (Smith) and Dennis Smith a boy Dennis Ray III (DJ) born 2/5/2005 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1996 Angela Hagan (Lakin) and Thomas Lakin a girl Katelyn Marie born 5/5/2003 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1996 Angela Hagan (Lakin)  and Thomas Lakin a girl Jenna Rose born 6/20/2006 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1997 Michelle Shores and husband Andrew Peters a boy Braylen Andrew born 9/11/2006 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1993 Rhonda Henson and husband Shane Plyes a boy Shawn Christopher born 1/1/1999 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1993 Rhonda Henson and husband Shane Plyes twin boys  Joshus and Jonathan  born 11/25/2000 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1993 Elizabeth Shew and husband  Kevin Pelletier a girl Ashley Nicole born 7/4/2003 at Bel Air, MD

Class 1993 Elizabeth Shew and husband  Kevin Pelletier a boy James Tyler born 12/27/2005 at Bel Air, MD

  see photo
Class 2004 Elizabeth Marie Wilk  a boy Christopher Michael Wilk born April 22, 2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD
Class 2004 Elizabeth Marie Wilk  a boy Jamie William born 6/25/2006 3 short hours at Johns Hopkins University

Class of 1987 Aaron Cornelius and wife Carol, a girl Krislynn Marie born November 20, 2001 in Savannah, GA

Class of 1987 Aaron Cornelius and wife Carol, a boy Tyler Scott born June 4, 1993 in Virginia Beach, VA

Class of 1987 Aaron Cornelius and wife Carol, a girl Ashley born February 9, 1992

Class 1991 Linda Reynolds (Merrell) and Jim Merrell a girl Lydia Sara born 11/6/2005 at Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown, MD

Class 1999 Sara Michelle Campbell (McCartney) and Mark McCartney a boy Logan David  born 8/5/2006 at Frederick Memorial Hospital,  Frederick, MD

Class 1999 Dennis (DJ) Miller Jr. and Michelle Waybright a girl Jade Lee born 10/27/2001 at the Frederick Memorial Hospital Frederick, MD

Class 1999 Dennis (DJ) Miller Jr. and Michelle Waybright a boy Aiden Eugene  born 9/6/2004 at the Frederick Memorial Hospital Frederick, MD

Class 2002 Lisa Marie Oden  a girl Carly Anne Williamson born July 4, 2006 Jefferson Memorial Hospital Ranson, WV

Class 1991 Amy Smith and JR Anderson twin boys Alex and Kurt born 1/25/1996 Wichita Falls, TX

Class 1995 Jason Allan Russell and wife Mary a son born 6/27/2006 at Landowne Birthing Unit, Leesburg, Va

Class 1987 Tammy Baker a girl Sage Brianna born 12/18/2005 in Frederick, MD See photo

Class 1991 Jack Bentley and Kristie a girl Haylee Jade Bentley born May 25, 2006 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 2005 Johanna Lawson and Kelly Lowery a boy born March 12, 2006 at Hunter William Frederick Memorial Hospital


Class 1996 Melissa Connelly and Richard Bussell a girl Kolbee Lyn  born 10/30/2002 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1996 Melissa Connelly and Richard Bussell a girl Ryelee Nikol  born 9/2/2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1992 Kristin Gardner  and Michael Nenninger a boy Jacob born 2/4/1999 and a boy Seth born 2/15/2002

Class 1996 Chad Hartman and Class 1997 Julie Fultz a boy Gavin Randall born 7/11/2004

Class 1991 Stacey Capino and Brian Barringer a girl Jessica Lynn born 12/25/1991 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1991 Stacey Capino and Brian Barringer a boy Benjamin Alan  born 9/17/1993 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1991 Stacey Capino and Brian Barringer a boy Jacob Ryan born 11/03/1998 at Gettysburg, PA

Class 1992 Jamie Siekierski and Ben Mitchell a girl Jessica born March 10, 2005at Baylor Richardson Hospital, Texas

Class 1992 Jamie Siekierski and Ben Mitchell a boy Jacob born March 24, 2002 at Baylor Richardson Hospital, Texas

Class 1988 Christa Czuba and Jameel a boy born 5/25/2005 in Seattle WA


Class 1991 Waneta Holmes and Ricky Henderson a girl Kayla born 2002  and a boy Cameron born 2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital.

Class 1989 Erica Maniez and Jon Miner a boy Dylan Leon Maniez Miner was born September 27, 2004 in Seattle, WA

Class 1994 Leslie Lucas (Quesada) and Bernie Quesada a boy Joseph Jude Quesada was born December 5, 2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital see photo

Class 1994 Lea Nutter and David McGill a girl Ember Louise was born 3/11/2005 in Leesburg, VA see photo

Class 1983 Lisa Maria Holland and James Marshall a girl Tia Bowens was  born 10/19/1989 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD


Class 2004 Amanda Barnes (Hulkour) a boy Adam Nicholas and a girl Kendall Rae were born 12/26/2004 in Washington county hospital See photos

Class 1992 Rachel Anne Harpel and William Smith a girl Leah Elizabeth Smith was born 2/16/2005 at Pottstown, PA

Class 1992 Robert Allen Teeter and Jodie Lynn Hunter a girl Layla Anne Teeter was born at Beckely, WV January 3, 2003

Class 1992 Robert Allen Teeter and Jodie Lynn Hunter a boy Brandon Allen Teeter was born at Hagerstown, MD March 28, 2000

Class 1992 Robert Allen Teeter and Jodie Lynn Hunter a girl Jeslyn Teeter was born at Frederick, MD August 23, 1998

Class 1999 Melanie Pryor a girl Madison Leigh Willett born November 5 2004

Class 1996 Teresa Jean FritzGerald and Chris Mohler a son Colby David Mohler born December 14, 2004 at Washington County Hospital

Class 1995 Shanda Barnhouse and J. J. Swann a son Konner Jackson Swann, born April 8, 2003 a Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1992 Mark Myers and Class 1997 Carrie Allen a son Andrew Robert Myers, born November 20, 2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1992 Larry Mills and Class 1999 Sarah Geisbert a son Anthony James Mills, born 4/11/2002 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1997 Robyn Amoss (Lucas) and Scott Lucas a girl Erynn MacKenzie 8/29/2003 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick MD.

Class 1997 Robyn Amoss (Lucas) and Scott Lucas a girl Kaleigh Elizabeth 6/13/1999 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick MD.

Class 1993 Stacy Simons and Ed Zimmerman a girl Payton Marie May Zimmerman 9/20/04 at Frederick MD photo

Class 2004 Brandy Hauver and Richard Frye a boy Grayson Eugene Frye born 11/16/2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD
see photo

Class 1998 Jennifer Cable (Thompson) and James Thompson a girl Emmaleigh born 10/23/2003 at Frederick Memorial Hospital Frederick, MD

Class 1990 Jennifer Daugherty (Bausman) and Jamie Bausman a boy Alexander Ryan Bausman 8/5/2000 at Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown, MD

Class 1991 Michael Burgee and Tracy a girl Ann Marie Burgee born January 11, 2000 at Frederick Memorial Hospital Frederick, MD

Class 1991 Michael Burgee and Tracy a boy Christian Ayers Burgee born June 18, 1994 at Frederick Memorial Hospital Frederick, MD


Class 1990 Shelley Hale (Grenier) and Travis Grenier a boy Kyle Thomas Grenier born January 23, 2004 at Frederick, Maryland

Class 1996 Kristie Lyn Stockman and Phil Graves a girl Kara Brianne (see photo) born 5/15/2004 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1990 Andrea Condrad and Kevin Reynolds a girl Kristina Marie Reynolds born 9/12/1992 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1990 Molly Furze (Brooks) and Rob Brooks a boy Nathan (Nate) William Brooks born August 22, 2003

Class 1998 Jamie Marie Morgan a boy Jordan Gregory Duncan born 4/1/2001 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1988 Robert Nutter and Audrey Nutter a girl Kylie Rose born at Washington Hospital, Hagerstown, MD 329/2004

Class 1990 Anna Price (Combes) and Jeff Combes a boy Price Aiden Combes born at Baptist Hospital, New Orleans, LA 7/11/2003

Class 1993 Jason Ricketts and Laura Rossa Ricketts a boy Andrew Michael Ricketts born at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD 11/23/2003

Class of 1991 Jennufer Souders (Conner) and Michael Conner a boy Wyatt Matthew born at Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown, MD on
March 21, 2004

Class of 1993  Elizabeth Shew (Pelletier) and Kevin Pelletier a girl Ashley Nicole born at Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air, MD

Class of 1997 Cathryn Edmiston (Breeding) and Daniel Breeding a girl Beatrice Eleyna born 5/18/2003 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class of 1997 Cathryn Edmiston (Breeding) and Daniel Breeding a boy Reed Alexander born 4/5/2002 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick MD

Class of 1993 Jann French (Stockman) and Dwain Stockman, twin girls Emily Elizabeth and Ellen Louise Stockman born July 6, 2003 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class of 1993 Jann French (Stockman) and Dwain Stockman a boy, Austin James Stockman, born 8/17/1999 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class of 1990 Phillip Allen and Kathryn Allen a girl,  Emma Grace Allen born September 9, 2001 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1985 Michelle Rice (Crowl) and David Crowl a boy,  Jason Alan Crowl born 10/24/1998 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class of 1995 Laurie Marinaro a girl Marissa Nicole Marinaro July 5, 1994

Class of 1996 Brian Dahlheimer and Misty Dahlheimer, a boy Brian  Dahlheimer at Balboa Naval Medical Center January 14, 2004

Class of 1992 Mary Dixon (Tippett) and Matt Tippett, a girl Alyson "Aly" born June 6, 2002 in Leesburg, VA

Class 1988 Rob Nutter II and Audrey, a son Lucas James born at Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown, MD April 29, 2002

Class 1987 Kimberly Krigbaum (Smrcka) and Eric Smrcka  a girl, Hannah Frances Smrcka born at Hamot Hospital, Corry, PA August 26, 2003

Class of 1985 Suzanne Hough birth of a son Vincent born at Frederick Memorial on May 6, 2003

Class of 1998 Jennifer Staccone (Grimes) and Herbie Grimesa a girl, Taylor Leighann Grimes born at Frederick Memorial Hospital Septembr 28, 2003
See Photo

Class of 1999 Nicole Monroe a girl Alexa Nicole Roberts at Frederick Memorial Hospital September 5, 2002

Class of 1991 Linda Reynolds (Merrell) and Jim Merrell, a girl Lillian Dorothye Merrell born at Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown, MD

Class of 1998 Jennifer Runkles, a boy Tyler Wayne Runkles born at Fredrick Memorial Hospital October 5, 2001

Class of 1999 Sarah Campbell (McCartney) and Mark McCartney, a boy Christopher Patrick McCartney born at Frederick Memorial Hospital November 9, 2002

Class of 1999 Sarah Campbell (McCartney) and Mark McCartney, a boy Dylan Michael McCartney born at Frederick Memorial Hospital
August 10, 2001

Class 1997 April Lawson (Bradley) and  Jeff Bradley, a girl Melissa Gail Bradley born at Frederick Memorial Hospital March 18, 2002

Class 1997 April Lawson (Bradley) and   Jeff Bradley,  a boy James Lee Bradley born at Frederick Memorial Hospital May 28, 1999

Class 1992 Kristin Gardner (Nenninger) and husband Michael, a boy Jackson Roy Nenninger born at Cape Coral Memorial Hospital, Cape Coral, FL 4/2/2003

Class of 1998 Kendra Henderson, a boy Leva Cortell Smallwood, Jr. born at Frederick Memorial Hospital on 3/08/2003

Class of 1988 Frank Bentley and wife Julie, a boy Joshua born at Frederick Memorial Hospital May 18, 2003

Class of 1985 Angela Weddle (Armstrong) and husband Paul, a girl Casey Della Lee born Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD 12/29/2002 Photo

Class 1992 Kathryn Hooper (Burkhardt) and husband Peter, a boy Tyler James at Annapolis, MD on September 28, 2002

Class 1996 Teresa FitzGerald (Mohler) and husband Chris, a boy Christopher Ray Mohler, Jr, March 22, 2003

Class of 1991 Jennifer Souders (Conner) and husband Michael Conner, a girl Ellisabeth Rose born October 13, 2002 in Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD.


Class of 1989 Hollie Kagey (Govoni) and Michael Govoni, a girl Sarah Michelle Govoni born June 22, 2001 in Charleston, SC 

Class of 1990 Shelly Hale (Grenier) and Travis Grenier, a girl Emma Grace Grenier born September 22, 2002 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class of 1997 Carrie Allen (Myers) and Mark Myers , baby boy Alex Charles Myers 9/7/2002 at Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class of 1997 Jason Kerr and Shuyee Chen , baby girl Audrey Tokino was born 12/25/01 at Monimoto Clinic

Class of 1991 Kristi Ferril and husband George, baby girl Kaitlyn Mackenzie was born 10/3/01 at St Joseph's Medical Center in Towson, MD

Class of 1993 Rachel Reazin and Abe Coven, baby girl Hanne (pronounced hannah) Natasha Coven born 2/08/2002 at Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Class 1991 Lori Kelbaugh (Johnston) and husband Andrew, baby boy Noah Colby born 12/20/01 at Frederick Memorial Hospital

Class 1991 Valerie Hall (Schwarz) and husband Andy, baby girl Abigail (Abby) born December 5, 2001

Class 1988 Frank Bentley (Doughnut Boy) and wife Julie, baby girl Jessica Lin born 4/19/2001 at the Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Class 1990 Laraine Rudy and husband Gary Main, baby boy Bryce born January 17, 2001

Class 1994 Amanda Jesse (Thompson) and husband Matthew, baby girl Harriet Madison, born March 6, 2001 at Manatee Memorial Hospital

 Send in your anouncements.  Your alumni are interested.