1869 - 1949

This article from The Daily News Frederick MD Wednesday August 11, 1915


B&O Detectives to Confer Here on Junction Arrests


            With the intention of rounding up the remainder of the Baltimore and Ohio train robbers who gave Detectives Robert D. Webber, of Knoxville and Schmidt of Baltimore, a terrific fight at Frederick Junction early Tuesday morning.  Captain H. L. Denton of the B & O detective force, will come to Frederick this afternoon and confer with Mr Webber.  The detectives are practically certain that they can round up the guilty parties who are yet wanted.

            It has been learned that all three robbers who participated in the robbery worked at a brick yard in Baltimore.  The B&O was confronted with the same trouble in its yards in Baltimore as has been occuring at Frederick Jct and it is believed that the arrest of all those who were in the car at the Junction Tuesday morning will put an end to the robberies.

            Detective Webber has about recovered from the injuries to his face which were inflicted during the fight.  Detective Schmidt continues to improve at the City Hospital.  After entering the leg the bullet took an upward course toward the hip