during 40's and 50's
Map showing Brunswick business
downtown in 40's and 50's
Click here www.alumnibhs.com to
access the Alumni site home page
Where did they all go?
Please let me know of any business not shown below
that was open during this period or spelling errors of names
Any photos of business to display would be welcome
Ask an old geezer about these business, I did, they will
tell you about them.
Click here
to read some history of many of the business by Fred Brown
Click here to read some
clarification to history of business in Brunswick by Judge Bill Wenner
Coal/ Oil * |
Gross Bros |
S & W George & Co |
Haze Halley |
Weil Bros |
Brunswick Co-op |
Boots Barger |
Grocery Stores ** |
Acme |
American Store |
Bill Wenner store on the hill |
Roelky & Dixon |
Roelkys Triangle Food Market |
Molers |
Nuse |
Hoffmaster |
Pink Nalley |
OK Market |
Westend/Harrison |
Burgee |
Hilda Barker |
Calhoun |
Harrington |
Claude Porter |
Dewey Hickman |
Beattys Meat Market |
Wenner's City Meat Mkt |
Conway Grocery |
Harry Schamel |
Hardware Stores |
Swank & Son |
Harry George |
Home and Auto |
Bakery **** |
Smittys |
Clothing |
Kaplon Clothing |
Werntz Clothing |
J J Newberry |
Lace Store |
MarBax Fashions |
Denist |
Dr Watson |
Dr Stanley Meadows |
Dr Lloyd |
Doctors |
Dr Levin West |
Dr William Schnauffer |
Dr Thomas G Strother |
Dr Charles Pruitt |
Dr Talbert Brice |
Dr J G Fowble Smith |
Dr Arlington Grove Horine |
Dr Thomas Carpenter |
Dr Werner Orrison |
Dr Cowl |
J B Mc Clean |
Dr Edmonds |
Hospital |
Schnauffer's Hosp |
Plumbers |
Newton Cooper |
Need names |
Contractors/Carpenters |
Lee Keller |
Lee Cooper |
W.P. and W.W. Demory |
Bulk Milk Haulers |
B & B Milk Transportation |
Boyers Milk |
Meat & Sea Foods |
Eagle's Meats and Seafoods |
City Meat Market (Wenners) |
Nursery and Shrubs |
Brunswick Nursery |
Auto Body Work |
Littens Chevolet |
Pawn Shop |
* Coal was carried from truck to
cellar window in
coal carrying bags
and dumped in window to coal bins in cellar or bins
outside |
Ration stamps
during ww2 |
Taxi Cabs |
Fosters |
Peg Ayers |
Metropolitian |
Buck Merriman |
Drug Stores |
Watson Cut-Rate |
Barnett later Fribush Pharmacy |
Horine |
Mills |
Banks |
of Brunswick old |
Bank of Brunswick
new |
Peoples National Bank |
Jewelry Stores |
S & N Katz |
Hardings watch repair |
Ed Moores watch repair |
Florist |
Donald Darr |
Brunswick Florist Shop |
Garages |
Litten Eastend |
Litten Chevrolet Sales Westend |
West Schnauffer |
Cage Bros |
Bill Care |
Grams |
Chaney |
Dry Cleaner |
Bill Utterback |
Shelly's Dawson's Dry Cleaning |
Ideal Cleaners Stines |
Night Clubs |
photo after 40's |
Coates Corner |
Potomac View |
Compher |
Swing Inn |
Salty Dog |
Dance Halls |
Picnic Woods |
Rod & Gun Club |
Moose |
Brunswick Fire Hall |
City Park Pavilion |
SCOB Park |
Bus Service |
L & L Motor Lines |
Summers |
Ice Cream |
Tates Ice Cream |
Nicodemus Ice Cream |
Hershey's |
Mains Ice Cream Middletown |
Humpty Dumpty Ice Cream Truck |
Variety of ice cream, fudge and
popsicles (Curbside delivery) |
Appliance Dealer |
S. W. George |
Harry Y George |
Litten Eastend during WW2 |
Gross Bros |
Potomac Edison |
Ralph Mulkey's |
Peoples Home and Auto |
Radio Repair |
Mulkey's Radio Repair |
Weller's Radio Service |
Shoe shining/bicycle repair |
Marion (Shake) Swope |
Billy Merriman |
Orchards |
Smiths Orchards |
Soda Bottling Co |
Gateway Soda Works |
** Groceries were delivered to homes
by larger stores
Potomac Edison
C&P Telephone Co |
Restaurants |
Maryland (Himes) |
Sanbowers Whistle Stop |
Mike & Joe's |
Foster's Hot Dogs |
Potomac Restaurant (Shaff) |
Bar/Liquor Restaurant |
Nelsons |
Darrs |
Roma Inn later Metropolitan |
Kehne |
Burns |
Ephriams |
Crummitt |
Harry Hahn |
Sis's |
John's Diner |
Foster's Lunch and Cab |
Han's Cafe |
Bob Coate great seafood |
Barber/Hair Stylist |
Snoots |
Wenners |
Geo Merriman/Runkles)
Norman Runkles |
Frans |
Kitty Shaff |
Bucky's |
Cinderella (Mildred Dean) |
Richard Magalis |
Bob LaRue |
Herb Price |
Porters |
Walt Ambrose |
Evangelical & Reform later
United Brethren Church called United Church of Christ |
Grace Episcopal Church |
Pentecostal |
Christian Missionary
Alliance |
Lodges/Clubs |
Eagles |
Moose |
Lions |
Elks |
American Legion |
Rotary |
Masons |
Boys & Girl Scouts |
Swimming Pool |
TV Repair |
Trudy Dawson TV Repair |
Gross Bros |
Weller |
Peoples Home & Auto |
Auto Dealers |
Littens Chevolet |
Grams Buick |
Willard Motors |
Rides/Entertainment |
McLane Enterprise |
Realtors |
Tony Cincotta |
Bread Delivery |
Schmidt Blue Ribbon Bread |
Bonnie Bread |
Curbside Vender |
Humpty Dumpty Ice Cream |
****Smitty's made home
deliveries |
I would like to acknowledge receipt of contributions for
this project, from numerous alumni, all Old Geezers
Some are Fred
Brown, Richard Bowers, Elaine Koogle (Bowers) Adelaide Webber (Bower) Dot Webber (Proctor), Bill Kidwiler, Harold (Slick)
Summers, Jackie McIntosh (Ebersole), John Spitzer

Comments from some Old Geezers that sent in information.
Jean Baker. Did you forget Walt Ambrose the barber - who
use to put a crock on the boys head when he cut it? Betty Lou Darr and
Mary Margrabe had a clothing store in the early 50's. Can't remember the
name, but it was the two of them put together something like MarDarr, or the
Dot Webber (Proctor). Betty Lou Darr had a store around
the corner from her Dad's place. Bill Care garage, Ed Moore Jewelry Store,
Tate and Jean Rosen had a store on Wenner's Hill, Mace had a store for floor
covering, Grimes garage, Mrs. Himes had a restaurant across from the
American Store.
The policeman that rode the motorcycle with a side car was Officer Ambrose.
Legend has it that a desperado was on the loose in town and that Chief Joseph E.
Chew sent his deputy to apprehend the culprit with the stern order -"Go get him
Ammy - I'm Chief".
I just had a loss of memory attack when I referred to Mr. House's first name as
"Peg". I mistakenly had someone else in mind - he was known as "Brick" House.
I can still picture him - red faced, short and plump. Oh - how the memories flow
Photos furnished by those listed below
Sources of some of the pictures
John Spitzer posted
have been scanned from class 1956 year book,
John Spitzer Class 1956 |
John Spitzer Class 1956 |
John Spitzer Class 1956 |
John Spitzer Class 1956 |
James Barker Class 1948 |
Swimming Pool |
Cage Bros |
J J Newberry |
Evangelical Reform Church |
Imperial Theater |
Follin's Esso Service Center |
Whistle Stop |
Bank of Brunswick |
Grace Episcopal Church |
Littens Eastend |
John's Diner |
New Fire Hall |
J P Karns |
Eagle's Meat |
Braddock Heights |
Watson's Cut Rate/ Eagle's Club |
Moose Club |
Souder & Chick |
American Legion |
American Store |
Old High School hill |
B & B Milk Transportation |
First Baptist Church |
Horine' Corner |
Metropolitan Tavern |
Kaplon's clothing store |
Grace Episcopal Church |
BHS cornerstone |
Katz corner |
Bank of Brunswick corner |