Record of Known Veterans From War 1812, Civil War, WW1, Korean, Vietnam And Others. Now Deceased
Record of Known Veterans from WW2
List of cemetery's where vets buried and names of vet buried there

So they will never be forgotten for their service to our country
 I have been compiling information on cemetery's where veterans are buried in the general area of Brunswick, or known records of cemetery's where veterans from the Brunswick area are buried. I want to prepare a page for them showing pertinent information concerning their service history.
       Links  below show some that now have pages. 
If there is someone you know that you can furnish information on use this form to do so, it would be appreciated.  Their service to their country will be recorded as  future generations should  know about them

Death after service in Civil War, WW1 Other

John B Brown 1812
Daniel Duvall 1812
A Grim 1812

Some Brunswick Area Vets in Civil War

John P Allender Civil
John R Anderson Civil
Robert W Anderson Civil
John Jared Atwell Civil
George W Baker Civil
Henry Foote Barker Civil
Charles M Boyle Civil
J ACampbell Civil
Benjamin Dill Chambers Civil
Mortmer Copeland Civil
Jacob Cordell Civil
Henry Danner Civil
Joseph Danner Civil
George W Fisher Civil
Joseph W Fry Civil
D Harris Civil
J T Harrison Civil
George Hickman Civil
Thomas I Ingram Civil
James W Jenkins Civil
John Johnson  Civil
J T Johnson  Civil
J W Long Civil
Robert McKnight Civil
W Nelson Civil
Perry O Nichols Civil
William Nuse Civil
H Scott Civil
Henry Maylon Sigafoose
Lewis C Spittle Civil
Simon Turner Civil
David O Welling Civil


Killed or died in service

Alvey Keenan ww1
Harold Steadman ww1

4/6/1917 - 11/11/1918

C V Arnold ww1
John Arnold ww1
Lloyd Arvin ww1
Howard Daniel Axline ww1
Benjamin R Baker ww1
Huber George Baker ww1
Francis A Barker ww1
Charles Barnhart ww1
George W Bartlett ww1
Hyett Bean ww1
John Beck ww1
Brisco Bissett ww1
Edward Luther Blessing ww1
William L Boger ww1
William Boyce ww1
Addison T Bramhall ww1
Eugene Brooks ww1
George Brooks ww1
J E Brooks ww1
Arthur Tuiste Brown ww1
G T Buffington ww1
T J Buffington ww1
Flem Burke ww1
John Butler ww1
Louis Cage ww1
Michael Carey ww1
Ernest Carter ww1
C W Castle ww1
Harry Catlett ww1
Anthony Chambers ww1
James Clendening ww1
James F Coffman ww1
Joseph Coffman ww1
Charles B Compher ww1
John Grant Compher ww1
Nealy M Cooper ww1
Richard W Cooper ww1
Grover Cornelius ww1
William Grayson Cummings ww1
Marcus Danner ww1
Edward D Darr ww1
Luther B Darr ww1
John Dean ww1
E Dunn ww1
Amos Henry Elliott ww1
James Eury ww1
Claude O Flagg ww1
Fletcher ww1
Earl Forrest ww1
A B Frock ww1
Emory Walker Fulton ww1
Melvin Eugene Fulton ww1
Paul W Gaither ww1
Mike Gordon ww1
Charles Green ww1
John Henry Green ww1
Charles W Hanes ww1
Phillip S Heater ww1
Foster A Henderson ww1
Harry Hill ww1
John Hite ww1
Edward R Hoffman ww1
Calvin Holland ww1
J Hoopengardner ww1
Melvin E Jackson ww1
John R Jones ww1
Leroy Jones ww1
Raymond Jones ww1
William Kidwell ww1
Charles Kneisley ww1
Mantz Leslie Lambert ww1
David Lewis ww1
John W Lovelace ww1
Henry W Lowery ww1
Wm Sherman Lowery Sr ww1
Charles E Lucas ww1




Charles E Magalis ww1
Ernest Main ww1
Jay Main ww1
Martin Ray Main ww1
D Mathews ww1
James McGovern ww1
Otto J McKee ww1
Terrence J McLane ww1
Bernard Meadows ww1
Clarence B Miller ww1
H Mills ww1
Oscar Mitchell ww1
George Moore  ww1
Ambrose A Morris ww1
G D Nelson ww1
Pat O'Brien ww1
Clyde R Orndorff ww1
H H Orndorff ww1
Douglas Palmer ww1
Robert Hume Perry ww1
Walter Phillips ww1
Joseph Pierce ww1
C W Powers ww1
Howard Rice ww1
W W Ricketts ww1
Earl W Ridenbaugh ww1
William Rockwell ww1
George Roeder ww1
James Roney ww1
Harris Scott ww1
George Selby ww1
Joseph Seward  ww1
Weems Keedy Shaff ww1
Edgar L Shelton ww1
Edward Shipley ww1
Albert Watkins Sigafoose ww1
Jerome Francis Sigafoose ww1
Wilbur Sylvester Sigafoose ww1
David E Simons ww1
Joseph M Smallwood ww1
Maxwell Smallwood ww1
Albert Smothers ww1
Benjamin Spitzer ww1
Leroy Spriggs ww1
Leroy Stewart ww1
Samuel Streams ww1
Floyd Strickler ww1
Luther Stumkle ww1
Charles Tedrick ww1
Wilbur Thomas ww1
Clarence Trail  ww1
Israel Edward Veirtz ww1
Roy M Virts ww1
Pete Walker ww1
James Weddle ww1
Heaton E Wenner ww1
Elmer Whipp ww1
George Wineholt ww1
Raymond Woamle ww1
Rex Woods ww1
Thomas Woods ww1
Dennis Wright ww1

Killed or died in service

George Ambrose Kor
Sterling Ambrose Kor
Warren Clark Kor

6/25/1950 - 1/31/1955

Donald Alban Sr Kor
Shannon Ambrose Kor
Floyd Burnett Aronhalt Kor
Gordon D Baker Kor
Joseph Robert Ballard Kor
Lewis Gerald Barton Kor
W G Beachley ww2 Kor
Vernon G Beamer Kor
Danny Lee Blosser Kor
D A Bohrer Kor
Milton E (Pet) Boyce Kor
Bruce Boyer Kor
John E Brady Kor
J D Bright Kor
Edward Leroy Brown Kor
George Albert Brown Kor
John Tuisto Brown Kor
William (Billy) Brown Kor
John W Brunning Kor
Burns Robert Compher Kor
Howard Murray Cooper Kor
Jerry Cooper  Kor
William Cornelius Jr. Kor
John Cunningham Kor
Howard L Davis Jr. Kor
Robert Davis Kor
Carlos (Bud) E Deener Kor
I M Deener Kor
Fletcher Delinger Kor
C S Diehl Kor
Donald L Dixon Kor
Dock Ekin Kor
R G Everhart Kor
Leo Garland Everitts
Stephen Loring Ely
Allan Foster Kor
Melvin Verson Fravel Sr.Kor
Robert Lee Fravel Sr Kor
Kenneth Gaither Kor
Ralph Gum Jr. Kor
George Hall Kor
C E Harris Kor
Robert E Hayas Sr. Kor
Wayne Eugene Hill Kor
Robert Himes Kor
Andy E Hoffman Kor
James E Holder Sr Kor
I H Jones Kor
Samuel Steven Kidwiler Kor
Lanny Knight
Charles William Lamm Kor
A Lampel Kor
Leroy (Bud) Logue Kor
Kesler Lowers Kor
Charles A Mentzer Sr Kor
David Merriman Kor
L P Miller Jr. Kor
Douglas E Morsberger Kor
V Moyer Jr Kor
Darrol O Nelson Kor
Phillip W Page  Kor
James Robert Painter Kor
Owen Pearrell Kor
Lucciand P Pineda Sr Kor
Leonard L Piper  Kor
D E Potter Kor
Ralph Montgomery Ray Kor
J M Riley Kor
Aubrey Eugene Shores Kor
Floyd Smith Kor
Gary (Boogie) Snoots Kor
Ralph Snoots Kor
Richard Snoots Kor
Alfred Spriggs Kor
Louis Stephens  Jr.Kor
Owen Dale Stewart Kor
Gene Robert (Rat) Stull Kor
H A Taulton Kor
Gerald Taylor Kor
Clayton Thomas Kor
W W Treadway Kor
Charles T (Jockey) Virts Kor
Gary Virts Kor
James R Weddle Kor
Melvin (Skeeter) Weddle
Ben Williams Kor
Ernest Wineholt Kor
Robert Zimmerman Kor
John C Zombro Kor

Killed or died in service

Charles Harbert Viet KIA
James K Caniford Viet MIA

Jennifer Shaffer (Odom) 1999

2/28/1961 - 5/7/1975

Gilbert Joseph Brockman Viet
George Castle Viet
Harold Comstock Viet
Terry S Denner Viet
M L Donovan Viet
J R Edwards Viet
George W Fields Jr.
George William Fields Viet
Albert Goff Viet
Brent Hahn Viet
Gary Hawkinberry Viet
Paul J House Viet
Lanny Knight Viet
Wesley Eugene Lerch Viet
Jeffery Keith Blum Viet
Robert Mullen Viet
George (Mickey) Orye
Robert (Shack) Shackelford
John Staley Viet
Herman Steve Snoots Viet
Robert Whipp Viet

Non War
Carroll Brawner Non


counter 2   4/23/2007