Previous Veterans Subjects

Alumni Gave Life For Our Country
Alumni In Military
Veterans all wars
Diary of WW1 Soldier

Most decorated serviceman in WW2
Ann Margaret
honors Vietnam Vet
Veterans of WW2 that were awarded the
Combat Infantry Badge are eligible for the Bronze Star Medal
Likewise the Combat Action ribbon

Articles from Frederick newspaper when members of the Armed Forces from Brunswick area made the supreme sacrafice durnig WWII During Vietnam

Veterans from all branches of the service

A group including myself are attempting to identify all veterans buried in cemeteries in Brunswick, Knoxville, Petersville etc.  If you can furnish any information please please email or better still fill in the  burial form

It is The Veteran
Who is an American?
Another country's editoral about Americans

Still living from Greatest Generation
Of the 793 veterans we had documented from WW2 I now show 443 deceased and there are quite a number more. They are your husband, wife, mother, father, grandmother grandfather, brother sister aunt, uncle or cousins.  Would you please help to identify those deceased.  Visit the link above.
List of WW2 veterans still believe living

If you are aware of any on this list that are deceased please email the name or names  to