Class of 1942
Honoring our deceased classmates

October 18, 2011
Doris Ambrose* Lee Axline* Mary Jane Barker 9/10/08 Virginia Lee Barker John Brown*
Marjorie Chaney* Alice Darr* Betty L Darr HM 11/2/04 Charles Deener* June Foster*
Arnold Garrett* Howard Gosnell  10/20/01 Harry Hahn * Earl Harwood* James Heffner  10/2/04
Olivia Hoffmaster* John Hovermale* Austin Hutzel* David Keller* William Kidwiler  8/19/04
Janice Kirk * 8/24/01 James McQuillen* William Moore* Rosie Moss 3/22/11 Crenell Mulkey 9/16/09
Edward Mullen* William Mullen 3/20/10 Edward Nokes* Howard Rice* James Rice  8/22/06  
Raymond Ridgeway* Mary Seward* Lillie Mae Snoots* Shirley Snoots* Robert Swope*
Betty J Utterback 2/19/01 Malcom VanPelt* Grace Webber  5/29/2007 Joe Welty* Raymond Wills*
   KIA WW2  

Class of 1942
Surviving Classmates

October 18, 2011
Betty Lou Arvin Pauline Cummings Lester Dolan Shirley Durrow Alice Ferrell
Thomas Frye Paul Gaither Eugene Harrison Phyliss Hinckle Ruth Kline
Robert Kneisley Myrtle Kronk Albert Lovelace June Main Lorraine Merryman
Catherine Michael Raymond Moore Lenwood Moss Ruth Norris June Nuse
Lois Pace Allen Leon Phillips T9C Phillips Norma Simons Ruth Stevens
Laverne Stewart Elsie Thompson Doris Tucker Mary Jane Weidman Iva Lee Welty