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Class Reunion |
Phillip Arnold | Shirley Arnold | Joseph Bane | Larry Barger |
Marshall Barger | Janet Bechtol | Claude Beacht | Richard Biller D: 1/2010 |
Judith Bowers | David Carroll | Herman Carter | Albert Coats * |
Richard Conner | Judith Cooper | Nancy Cooper | Stanley Cooper |
Norman Cornelius | Donald Deener | Lester Deneen | Thomas Dinterman |
Joe Elliott | James Fleetwood | Sylvia Flook | Carroll Flora |
James Frye | Nancy Frye | Cecelia Garvin | Earl Lee Good Jr * |
Richard Goodrich | Clayton Hagan | Brent Hahn * d: 5/29/2002 | Mary Hahn * d: 7/1/2005 |
John Hedges Jr | David Heffner | Edwin Higdon | Shirley Hoffman |
George Hoopengardner Jr | Marcella Howe | Gloria King | Franklin Klein Jr |
Patricia Lewis | Richard Lloyd * | Billie Longebeam | Judith Lutman d: 5/17/2003 |
Sylvia Mann | William Marshall d: 10/30/2005 | Jane Mohler * | Joan Morris |
Nora Musser * | James Powers | Raymond Reynolds | Richard Rice * |
Samuel Roudabousch * | Wayne Shaff | Nancy Shriver | Beatrice Sigler |
Patricia Souder | Judith Streight | Anthony Walker | Carlak Whittington |
Betty Wiles | Patricia Young * |
Created By Curtis Webber 11198 Lincolnshire Road Cincinnati, OH 45240-2901 Telephone 513-851-8741 |
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