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Class Reunion
Phillip Arnold Shirley Arnold Joseph Bane Larry Barger
Marshall Barger Janet Bechtol Claude Beacht Richard Biller D: 1/2010
Judith Bowers David Carroll Herman Carter Albert Coats *
Richard Conner Judith Cooper Nancy Cooper Stanley Cooper
Norman Cornelius Donald Deener Lester Deneen Thomas Dinterman
Joe Elliott James Fleetwood Sylvia Flook Carroll Flora
James Frye Nancy Frye Cecelia Garvin Earl Lee Good Jr *
Richard Goodrich Clayton Hagan Brent Hahn * d: 5/29/2002 Mary Hahn * d: 7/1/2005
John Hedges Jr David Heffner Edwin Higdon Shirley Hoffman
George Hoopengardner Jr Marcella Howe Gloria King Franklin Klein Jr
Patricia Lewis Richard Lloyd * Billie Longebeam Judith Lutman d: 5/17/2003
Sylvia Mann William Marshall d: 10/30/2005 Jane Mohler * Joan Morris
Nora Musser * James Powers Raymond Reynolds Richard Rice *
Samuel Roudabousch * Wayne Shaff Nancy Shriver Beatrice Sigler
Patricia Souder Judith Streight Anthony Walker Carlak Whittington
Betty Wiles Patricia Young *    
Created By
Curtis Webber
11198 Lincolnshire Road
Cincinnati, OH 45240-2901

Telephone 513-851-8741
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