Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Samuel O. Frye

Private 1st Class  U. S. Army

Co A, 5th Cavalry Reg,,  1st Calvary Divn

Entered the service from Maryland
Died April 29, 1951 KIA in Korea
Buried Taylorstown, Virginia

Private First Class Frye was a member of the 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.
He was Killed in Action while fighting the enemy in South Korea on April 29, 1951.
 Private First Class Frye was awarded the Purple Heart posthumously.
The Frederick News-Post, January 18, 1951
With First Cavalry
Pvt. Samuel O. Frye, 17, son of Mrs. Mary McCutchen, of Point of Rocks, is serving with the 1st Cavalry Division in Korea. He enlisted in the Army last June 21. His address: Pvt. Frye RA 13350484, Co. A, 5th Cavalry Rgt., 1st Cal. Div., A.P.O. 201 c/o Postmaster, San Francisco.
The Frederick News-Post, May 18, 1951
GI Killed In Battle
A mother's futile six-months battle to get her l7 year'old son, out of combat in Korea ended Monday for Mrs Mary Mccutcheon, Point of Rocks. She received a telegram notifying her that Pfc. Samuel Oliver Frye, was killed in action on April 29. Yesterday she received a letter from the Department of Defense confirming the sad ending to her tragic experience. Letters to the President of the United States, the War Department, Red Cross, Senator John M. Butter, Congressman J. Glenn Beall and others are a part of the story of the mother's efforts to right what Mrs. McCutcheon claims was a misrepresentation at the time of the boy's enlistment.
Was Placed In Infantry.
She said she signed for his enlistment only on the promise of a recruiting officer that the youth would go to engineering school at Fort Belvoir, Va. Instead, she said. he was sent to Fort Knox, Ky., and placed in the infantry.
He enlisted June 21,1950 and was in Korea by November 15. He had been in combat since last November 18 with the exception of a short time spent in a hospital, where he was examined and discharged after his mother forwarded a report from his local physician, relative to a kidney condition.
Expected To Come Home
Mrs. McCutcheon said she received a letter dated April 25, four days before his death, saying that he would be home by June or July after six months in the lines, under the rotation return program.
News or his death was received by the mother with a mixture of grief and bitterness. Those familiar with the case here, say Mrs. McCutcheon has devoted most of her time since last fall trying to get the boy out of combat. She solicited assistance in high and low offices in her quest for what she felt was justice in the case.
Young Frye, who was born May 9,1933, attended Frederick High School and later worked as an apprentice bricklayer before enlisting. Besides his mother, he is survived by his father, Leroy Frye, who had been residing in Baltimore and is now a patient at Newton D. Baker Hospital, Martinsburg. W. Va., and a sister, Leora Frye, at home.
The Frederick News-Post, October 23, 1951
Military Service For Korean Veteran
The remains of Pfc. Samuel O. Frye, who was killed in Korea, April 29, 1951 arrived at his home at Point of Rocks Monday. The body will remain at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary McCutcheon at Point of Rocks until funeral services at 2 o'clock at the Lutheran Church in Point of Rocks. Burial will be made at Taylorstown, Virginia.
Besides his mother, he is survived by one sister at home, Leora Frye, and Leroy Frye, his father, who resides at Baltimore.
Full military honors will precede the funeral. The home will be open to friends and realtives who wish to call.