William F Beacht
U S Army 33905732
Company E, 2nd Batt, 175th Infantry, 29th Div
Entered the Service 7/12/1944
Died:April 3, 1945 DNB Germany
Buried at: Park Heights Cemetery,
Brunswick, MD
News, April 26, 1945
Omitting details of the circumstances of his death, the War
Department on Wednesday informed Mrs. Mary Louise Abrecht Beacht,
229 East Fourth street, that her husband, Pvt. William Francis
Beacht, "died in Germany" on April 3. The telegram stated that a
letter would follow.
Had he lived two more days the former Bethlehem-Fairchild Shipyard
worker would have been 24 years old. He was the son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Beacht, of Brunswick, and was well known there.
Surviving besides his wife area a four year old son, William
Francis, Jr. and a two year old daughter, Gloria Jean, also two
sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Young and Mrs. Marjorie Wightman, of
Washington, and three brothers, Wilson, with the Navy in the South
Pacific, Claude, Brunswick, and Elmer Beacht, Somerville, N.J.
Inducted last July 12, he was stationed at New Cumberland, Pa.,
until September, when he was sent to Camp Wheeler, Ga. for
paratroop infantry training. The Battle of the Bulge in Europe last
December cut short his training before he could become a paratrooper
and he was pulled out of camp to be sent overseas as a replacement.
He left this country about the first of February after having spent
six days at home, his only furlough.
Pvt. Beacht had written home regularly and often, his last letter
being dated March 30. On March 8 he wrote that he was in a little
town in Germany and had finally caught up with the outfit he had
been assigned to, Company F of the 175th Regiment, 29th Division.
He told of walking down the street that day and running into a
fellow from Brunswick named Kelly, the first friend from back home
that he had seen overseas. They planned to meet as often as their
individual duties would permit. So cheerful were his letters and
apparently not written from a battle zone that Mrs. Beacht though
her husband had not yet gone into combat. Whether he went into
action the beginning of April, or whether de died in some other way
remains unknown.
In his March 8 letter he told of living in a nice German house with
a good bed to sleep in, hot water and lights, and sometimes, when
they could get it, fried chicken for supper. "So you see we haven't
got it so bad after all," he added. Subsequent letters continued in
the same cheerful vein and from the same location, making it appear
that he had plenty of time on his hands and had not moved forward
with the Ninth Army, to which he was attached. Pvt. Beacht was a
member of Evangelical Lutheran church and the Independent Hose
Company, this city, and the Brunswick Aerie of Eagles. |