Brunswick - Knoxville
- Sandy Hook - Weverton Maryland
and surrounding areas
in your
military history form
Established by order of the President on 3 MAY 2000,
awarded to US Armed Forces personnel who served in direct support of Kosovo
Operation ALLIED FORCE -- 24 MAR 1999-10 JUN 1999
Operation JOINT GUARDIAN -- 11 JUN 1999-To Be Anncd
Operation ALLIED HARBOR -- 04 APR 1999-01 SEP 1999
Operation SUSTAIN HOPE/SHINING HOPE -- 04 ARP 1999-10 JUL 1999
Operation NOBLE ANVIL -- 24 MAR 1999-20 JUL 1999
or Kosovo task force(s):
Hawk--05 APR 1999-24 JUN 1999
Saber--31 MAR 1999-08 JUL 1999
Falcon--11 JUN 1999-To Be Anncd, Coincides With Joint Guardian
Hunter--01 APR 1999-01 NOV 1999