B.H.S – CLASSES OF 1930’s 


Greetings to All:  

Somewhat defying the odds, it is a pleasure  once again to issue the annual Kettle Call for  those graduating from Brunswick High School during the 1930’s to gather for a  reunion luncheon.  Here are the pertinent details:

    Time - Date         12 Noon to 3:00 PM - Saturday,   June 21st,  2008

    Place:                   Masonic Hall (Old West Brunswick School), Brunswick, MD.

    Cost:                    $13.00 per person  

    Meal:                   Served @ 12:30 PM - Catered by Mountain Gate Family Restaurant.              

                                 Menu includes Fried Chicken, Ham, Escalloped Potatoes with

                                 Broccoli,  Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Rolls, Iced Tea, Lemonade, & Cake.   

 A new air-conditioning system has been installed and the room spiffied up with new  paint and curtains.                               

Your support for these affairs has been demonstrated by the helpful contributions many of you have made over the years.  This has been very gratifying and has also resulted in a nice cushion that  helps hold  down the ticket cost.   While there is no desire to discourage such generosity, it is O.K. to taper off  a bit in your donations.   Believe me, I’ll let you know PDQ, Loud & Clear, if the situation changes and addional funds are needed.

It is fully hoped that while  we are all another year older, and some may have physical or transportion problems, each and every one of us, sharing the common bond of good ole Brunswick High School, will make a good effort to join in one more time.  Let me know if you need help in any way. 

                                                                   Sincerely, Richard Harrington