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Class Reunion
Elizabeth Allgire John Axline Clement Banner Charles Barger Winona Bechtol
Beverly Brady Nelson Burms Erma Carey d: 2/1/2012 Marian Cooper Frank Cover III
Carole Crawford Sandra Crone Alice Crummitt Lorretta Danner d: 5/3/2012 Harbert Deener
Thomas Dinterman James Dockery Marjorie Eagle William Eshbaugh Sylvia Feaster
Kay Foster Geraldine Goladay Charles Hackley Gerald Hagan Doris Hardy
Paulette Harrison Eleanor Hauver Drina Hebb Carroll Hope Starlene Howard
Vivian Howe Betty Jackson Jerry Keller Helen Lancaster Judith Lerch
Lester Lloyd Richard McKnight Joyce McMurry Clarence Merriman Dogulas Mills
Evan Mohler Carol Moore Catherine Morris Dorothy Myers Connie Nicholson
Jo Ann Phillips Joyce Robertson Deliah Runkles Jerry Sanger Patricia Shafer
Jo Ann Sigafoose Glen Simons Hanna Spriggs Michael Spurrier Carol Stewart
Donna Stewart d:5/29/2002 James Stonesifer Edward Strine James Weddle d: 3/31/1986 Rhett Webber
Shirley Whisner Carla Whittington d: 12/29/2009 Tanya Whittington Mildred Virts Joan Snoots HM
Created By
Curtis Webber
11198 Lincolnshire Road
Cincinnati, OH 45240-2901
Telephone 513-851-8741
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