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To be included in
the alumni from 40's records Click here for survey form to E-Mail direct |
Arlyne Albert | Delores Anderson | Joyce Bechtol | Marilyn Bell |
Ruth Biller | Charles Booth Jr | Gerald Booth | David Carmack |
George Castle | Gary Cooper | Norma Cooper | Shirley Cooper |
Donald Cornelius | William Crabill | Kay Cummings | Shirley Danner d: 8/17/2007 |
Jerry Dean | Samuel Deener | Lee DeVoe | Wayne Engle |
Charles Eyler | Donald Fletcher | Shirley Foltz | Robert Forrest |
Martin Garrott | Donald Gore | Franklin Grubb | Helen Jacobs |
JoAnn Keller | Samuel Knight Jr | Donna Langley | Cleo Longerbean |
Betty Loque | Esther McIntosh | David Merriman d: 7/21/2007 | Lillian Miller |
Samuel Munday | Ernest Nuse | Shirley Oden | Clara Orndorff |
Charles Reightler | Dennis Rohrback | Donna Roudabousch | Hollis Sloat |
Eleanor Smith d: 6/17/2004 | Winifred Souder | John Spitzer | Larry Swope |
Lorraine Thompson | Leonard Umbaugh | Mary Wenner | Edward Wheeler |
Bernie Whisner | William Winn | June Woods |
Created By Curtis Webber 11198 Lincolnshire Road Cincinnati, OH 45240-2901 Telephone 513-851-8741 |
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