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the alumni from 40's records Click here for survey form to E-Mail direct |
Class Reunion |
Rose Beatty | James Bennett | Roma Bishop | Delmar Brown |
Catherine Calhoun | Jo Ann Calhoun | Gertrude Cannon | Martha Clark |
Patsy Conner | Herbert Cooper | Irvin Cooper Jr | Delores Cooper |
Richard Cummings | Blaine Davis | Robert Decker | Eugene Deener |
Grace Derflinger | Harry Dinterman | Robert Dixon | Willa Dockery |
Dorothy Fairfax * d 1/17/2002 | Eugene Foltz | Eugene Fouch | Robert Fravel |
Sharon Frey | Doris Gastley | Paul Gletner * d: 11/7/2002 | Sylvia Haller |
John Jones | Kenneth Jones | Barbara Kaetzel | Ernest King |
John Langley | Barbara Lloyd | Linda Magalis d: 7/3/2006 | Glenn Mohler |
Harry Mohler | William Mohler | Rita Phillips | Shirley Phillips |
Sharon Porter | Joana Runkles | Dennis Shaff d:10/17/2003 | Allan Shaffer |
Douglas Sine | Jean Smith | Robert Snoots | William Snoots |
Anna Spurrier d: 6/2004 | Lester Streams | Gloria Streight | Betty Stull |
Shirley Tritapoe | Jessie Thompson | Barbara Vincent | Harley Webber |
Joseph Wheeler | Patricia Wheeler | Lesliak Wenner | Eleanor Zimmerman |
Marcella Gall HM |
Created By Curtis Webber 11198 Lincolnshire Road Cincinnati, OH 45240-2901 Telephone 513-851-8741 |
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