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Class Reunion
Fab 40's Reunion
William Anderson*
Audrey Baker
d: 3/7/2004
Jerry Bingham
Phyllis Bingham*
Ann Brady*
Patricia Brengle*
Leonard Brooks
Virginia Calhoun
Betty Carver
Emory Comer*
Mary Lou Conner*
Jeanett Crabtree
Norma Cunningham
Marian Dawson
George Deaner*
Ruby Dinterman
Donald Dixon*
Donald Dolan*
Linwood Dolan
Carman Donovan*
Robert Eagle
Robert Foreback
d: 7/7/2005
David Foster
Charles Frye
Evelyn Garrott
Maurice Good
Glenn Goode
James Gordon
Robert Grams*
Ethel Haller
* 10/19/2003
James Haller
d: 10/13/2007
Virginia Himes
Dix Horine
d: 1/23/2009
Nora Lee Kelly*
Franklin Kidwell
Marie Kidwiler
d: 12/23/2005
Richard Kline
d: 7/28/2003
Thomas Long*
Myrtle Magaha
Joan McQuillen*
Pauline Mock
Robert Moler
William Nelson
Larayn Norris
Norma Nuse
* 11/3/00
Gilbert Orndorff
d: 5/12/2011
Edward Pace
Donald Powell*
Robert Roelkey
Eleanor Rollinson
Gene Schamel*
Ruth Sheckles
Frances Shiley
Vernon Smith
Kenneth Taylor
Betty Walker
Peggy Walker*
Roy Watts
Virginia Weddle
David Wenner
William Wilson*
Ellwood Wineholt
Donald Woods*
Jack Wright
d: 1954
William King Palmer HM d: 10/16/2010