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Class Reunion
Fab 40's Reunion

Killed in action Purple Heart /died in WWII 

Harmon Ahalt* Harry Abright June Allen d: 9/20/06 George Arnold d: 6/8/2010 Cleveland Badger d: 12/28/06
Melvin Baker* Beatrice Barger Earlen Barger Margaret Bingham d: 7/11/2012 Jessie Brown*
Phyllis Byrd Richard Cage James Caniford* Marlow Carey* George Carter*
Pauline Comer Constance Conner Harold Cox* Leota Crabtree* Evelyn Crowl d: 8/18/2006
Grayson Cummings* Selden Darr Jane Dixon James Donato Patricia Donovan
Lois Eagle William Eury* Ruth Ellen Ferrell Evelyn Gosnell *1/12/2005 Millard Gosnell*
Jane Grams* Mary Ellen Griffith d:5/11/2005 Betty Grubb* Mary Grubb Ervin Hahn*
William Haller* William Harrington* John Hedges* Betty Heffner Roger Himes*
Loraine Huffer Haze Huffer George Jenkins Margerite Kelbaugh Charles Kidwiler
Harry Kidwiler* Doris King* Stanley King d: 2/4/08 Thelma Koontz* Charles Lalley*
Thomas Marcum* Roberta Martin* Ruth Martin Helen McBee Luther McMurray*
Aileen Michael d: 8/22/2006 William Miller* Douglas Mills* Helen Mills* Gretchen Mohler
LeRoy Monroe* Frances Moore John Nelson* Mary Nelson Thomas Nelson
Burgess Porter* Elizabeth Potter* Pauline Powers Mary Price * 5/9/2002 Homer Purdham*
Adrain Reyniolds d: 9/16/2005 Hazel Rickard Chester Riland* Mary Ellen Roby* Mary Roelkey
Hilleary Rockwell d: 12/30/1994 John Schamel* James Shewbridge* Marie Sigler* Ammanda Smith *6/8/2002
Richard Smith Arthur Snoots* Raymond Staples* Wendell Stewart William Strathern*
Orville Streight * Margaret Theiss Frances Thompson Louise Trail Eileen Tritapoe
Edgar Virts Ella Mae Virts* Adelaide Webber Charles Webber* Eugene Webber* 3/25/97
Malcolm Webber* 1/10/00 Albert Wenner * Evelyn Wenner Anna Williams
George Jenkins Jr* Charles Kidwiler* Orville Streight*
Created By
Curtis Webber
11198 Lincolnshire Road
Cincinnati, OH 45240-2901
Telephone 513-851-8741
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