Come On, Get Someone New That Has Not Attended The Other
Reunions, Live It UP
Date_of_Reunion: Saturday ,July 9, 2005
Where_Reunion_will_be_held: American Legion Post, Brunswick, Md.
Cost_single_couple: $13 per person
Reservation_Closing_Date: July 2, 2005
Send_Check_To: B. R. Harrington,2024 Virts Lane, Jefferson, Md. 21755-8801
Additional Comments:
Menu: Baked Ham, Fried Chicken, Roast Beef, Escalloped
Potatoes, Green Beans, Cole Slaw - Cake - Coffee/Iced Tea. Soda will be
available at Cash Bar. ......
12 noon Social period; 12:45 PM Buffet Luncheon Served; 2 -
3 PM Program, Visiting, etc
Phone number for Richard Harrington for any questions: 301-834 7458 ...